The Emerald Isle, a country full of surprises. One of the most surprising aspects is the contrast between the new country (the Republic as such is a century young) and the sense of history which permeates the country. Ireland is a country full of contrasts: on the one hand an old-fashioned love of tradition and a relaxed approach towards life which can be invigorating, on the other hand a 'high tech' society. It is no accident that many American computer and pharmaceutical firms have their European headquarters here. The high level of education (and a favourable investment climate) make Ireland an attractive country to live and work in.
Tourism is an important industry in Ireland and more and more people realise that the traditional hospitality towards strangers can be profitable in more than one sense. In the rural areas the more traditional attitude prevails. The Irish are interested in their visitors. Why do you come to Ireland? What attracts you in our country? And what do you think about .... ? The Irish love talking to people and they are really interested in your opinions.
And, well yes, it does rain from time to time.
About comparable to the Netherlands, but - perhaps surprisingly - less than in Western Britain. Rain and sunshine alternate, often within the hour.
And 'the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow' ? We haven't found it yet. But, who knows ...